Author Archives: susanedits
Nobody cares how great you are: Writing effective back cover copy for nonfiction
After years of acquiring knowledge in your area of expertise, you’ve written a book in which you pass on what you’ve learned. You’re excited about getting it out into the world. It will go a long way toward establishing you … Continue reading
When you disagree with the editor
There’s nothing quite like that moment when you get a manuscript critique back from your editor. Nothing quite like that rush of exhilaration mixed with apprehension … or possibly abject terror. What will the editor say? How much will you … Continue reading
Word crimes, pet peeves, and judgment calls
If you’re a self-appointed member of the grammar police, you’ve likely heard “Weird Al” Yankovic’s latest. You couldn’t miss it. All your friends and colleagues sent you a link five minutes after it was uploaded to YouTube. The … Continue reading
5 ways to get honest feedback on your manuscript
In our last installment, I pointed out that friends and family members are more likely to give glowing evaluations of your work than total strangers. They can’t help it. They like you, so they want to like what you’ve done. … Continue reading
Why good friends make bad reviewers
“I had some friends read my book, and they thought it was good.” I’ve heard this refrain many times, usually when the subject of editing comes up. Whether the author hasn’t budgeted for it or believes she doesn’t need any … Continue reading
Readers rule: Elizabeth Gilbert and the crowdsourced cover
In my last installment, I warned against clinging too tightly to your one and only book cover idea. It’s dangerous to be so invested in your own aesthetic preferences that you lose sight of what will sell your book. It’s … Continue reading
You better shop around
Say you’ve decided to join a dating site. Shortly after signing up, you find a profile that intrigues you. The person is interested in the same things you are, seems intelligent, has a great sense of humor, the works. Do … Continue reading
The right question: How to make sure you get the editing you need
Not long ago, a first-time author listed a job on an editorial freelancing site that I frequent. His manuscript had already been edited, he said, so all he needed was for someone to catch the leftover errors in spelling and … Continue reading
What it’s about: Blurbs and the character-driven novel
Last week I offered tips on how to write compelling back cover copy for your novel. The trick is distilling your story down to its essence, telling potential readers about your characters and the challenges they face. But what do … Continue reading
What it’s about: How to write enticing back cover copy for your novel
You stand at the doorway of your favorite coffeehouse, scanning the area for your friend. Julie is tucked away at a corner table, reading a paperback. She doesn’t notice you until you take the seat across from her. “Oh, sorry!” … Continue reading